Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I actually found it somewhat amusing that atheists organized this Christmas and spent money trying to disprove Christmas! I have known and long debated atheists and frankly, sometimes I find it more fun sparring with them than debating Bible thumping fundamentalists.

Most atheists I know do celebrate Christmas, of course, only in a secular sense. But they seem to enjoy it and certainly are never offended when I wish them a Merry Christmas. However, let's take a moment and focus on these anti-Christmas billboard buying atheists. They don't believe in God. Therefore they don't believe in the basis for Christmas. They become emotionally engaged and spend a lot of money, time and effort on something they don't believe even exists. That's nuts.

I don't believe in the Tooth fairy. I refuse to muse over its existence, and I absolutely will not spend any time or effort, much less money, disproving it. Atheists pride themselves on their reason, but what is reasonable about getting all fired up about something that doesn't exist! That's insanity, or at least paranoia.

But I'm going to take it one step further. These actions are not the actions of the smug logic oriented atheist that views the universe as simply a big set of cogs that go round and round like a cosmic treadmill. No, these are the actions of closet deists. These are people that doubt their atheism and are seeking to go to great lengths to prove to themselves that they don't believe. And while they work themselves self into a frenzy trying to convince themselves that they are good little atheists, maybe they can help me out by buying a billboard denouncing the Tooth fairy.

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